Metadata domains

KG version 3

KG version 2

fairgraph currently provides the following modules for working with KG v3:

“Minimal Information for Neuroscience DataSets” - metadata common to all neuroscience datasets independent of the type of investigation
an updated version of MINDS
metadata relating to patch clamp and sharp electrode intracellular recordings in vitro. Support for extracellular recording, tetrodes, multi-electrode arrays and in vivo recordings coming soon.
metadata relating to modelling, simulation and validation
metadata relating to software used in neuroscience (for simulation, data analysis, stimulus presentation, etc.)
metadata for entities that are used in multiple contexts (e.g. in both electrophysiology and in simulation).
metadata that are not specific to EBRAINS, typically these refer to URIs in standard ontologies, outside the Knowledge Graph.

Additional modules are planned, e.g. for fMRI, functional optical imaging. In addition, the base, commons, and utility modules provide additional tools for structuring metadata and for working with fairgraph objects.