Source code for fairgraph.core

Metadata for entities that are used in multiple contexts (e.g. in both electrophysiology and in simulation).


# Copyright 2018-2020 CNRS

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import inspect
import logging
from datetime import date
from .base import KGObject, KGQuery, as_list, Distribution
from .fields import Field

from .commons import Address, Species, Strain, Genotype, Sex, Age, QuantitativeValue, Handedness, Group

# core is used everywhere, so it makes no sense to set a default namespace
# the namespace to be used in a given context should be set using "use_namespace()"

logger = logging.getLogger("fairgraph")

[docs]class Subject(KGObject): """The individual organism that is the subject of an experimental study.""" namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/subject/v0.1.2" type = ["nsg:Subject", "prov:Entity"] context = { "schema": "", "rdfs": "", "prov": "", "name": "schema:name", "value": "schema:value", "minValue": "schema:minValue", "maxValue": "schema:maxValue", "unitCode": "schema:unitCode", "label": "rdfs:label", "nsg": "", "species": "nsg:species", # change from nsg:species to "" ? "strain": "nsg:strain", "age": "nsg:age", # change from nsg:age to "" ? "period": "nsg:period", "sex": "nsg:sex", "genotype": "nsg:genotype", "handedness": "nsg:handedness", "deathDate": "schema:deathDate", "group": "nsg:group", "providerId": "nsg:providerId" } fields = ( Field("name", str, "name", required=True), Field("species", Species, "species", required=True), Field("strain", Strain, "strain"), Field("genotype", Genotype, "genotype"), Field("sex", Sex, "sex"), Field("handedness", Handedness, "handedness"), Field("age", Age, "age"), Field("death_date", date, "deathDate"), Field("group", Group, "group") ) def __init__(self, name, species, age=None, sex=None, handedness=None, strain=None, genotype=None, death_date=None, group=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class Organization(KGObject): """ An organization associated with research data or models, e.g. a university, lab or department. """ namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/organization/v0.1.0" type = ["nsg:Organization"] context = { "schema": "", "nsg": "", "name": "schema:name", "parentOrganization": "schema:parentOrganization", "address": "schema:address", "addressLocality": "schema:addressLocality", "addressCountry": "schema:addressCountry", } fields = ( Field("name", str, "name", required=True), Field("address", Address, "address"), Field("parent", "core.Organization", "parentOrganization") ) def __init__(self, name, address=None, parent=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class Person(KGObject): """ A person associated with research data or models, for example as an experimentalist, or a data analyst. """ namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/person/v0.1.0" type = ["nsg:Person", "prov:Agent"] context = { "schema": "", "prov": "", "nsg": "", "familyName": "schema:familyName", "givenName": "schema:givenName", "email": "schema:email", "affiliation": "schema:affiliation" } fields = ( Field("family_name", str, "familyName", required=True, doc="Family name / surname"), Field("given_name", str, "givenName", required=True, doc="Given name"), Field("email", str, "email", doc="e-mail address"), Field("affiliation", Organization, "affiliation", doc="Organization to which person belongs") ) existence_query_fields = ("family_name", "given_name") def __init__(self, family_name, given_name, email=None, affiliation=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args) @property def full_name(self): return f'{self.given_name} {self.family_name}'
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, client, size=100, api="query", scope="released", resolved=False, **filters): """List all objects of this type in the Knowledge Graph""" if api == 'nexus': context = { "schema": "" } filter_queries = [] for name, value in filters.items(): if name in ("first_name", "given_name"): filter_queries.append({ 'path': 'schema:givenName', 'op': 'eq', 'value': value }) elif name in ("family_name", "last_name", "surname"): filter_queries.append({ "path": "schema:familyName", "op": "eq", "value": value }) elif name == "email": filter_queries.append({ "path": "schema:email", "op": "eq", "value": value }) else: raise ValueError(f"The only supported filters are by first (given) name, last (family) name or email. You specified {name}") if len(filter_queries) == 0: return client.list(cls, size=size, api=api) elif len(filter_queries) == 1: filter_query = filter_queries[0] else: filter_query = { "op": "and", "value": filter_queries } filter_query = {"nexus": filter_query} return KGQuery(cls, filter_query, context).resolve(client, api=api, size=size) elif api == "query": return super(Person, cls).list(client, size=size, api=api, scope=scope, resolved=resolved, **filters) else: raise ValueError("'api' must be either 'nexus' or 'query'")
[docs] def resolve(self, client, api="query", use_cache=True): if hasattr(self.affiliation, "resolve"): self.affiliation = self.affiliation.resolve(client, api=api, use_cache=use_cache) return self
[docs] @classmethod def me(cls, client, api="query", allow_multiple=False): """Return the Person who is currently logged-in. (the user associated with the token stored in the client). If the Person node does not exist in the KG, it will be created. """ user_info = client.user_info() given_name = user_info["givenName"] family_name = user_info["familyName"] email = [entry["value"] for entry in user_info["emails"] if entry["primary"]][0] # first look for a node that matches name and primary email people = Person.list(client, api=api, scope="latest", family_name=family_name, given_name=given_name, email=email, resolved=False) # if we don't find a node, try to match by any email if not people: for entry in user_info["emails"]: people.extend(Person.list(client, api=api, scope="latest", email=entry["value"], resolved=False)) # if we still don't find a node, try to match by name if not people: people = Person.list(client, api=api, scope="latest", family_name=family_name, given_name=given_name, resolved=False) # otherwise, create a new node if people: if isinstance(people, list): if len(people) > 1: if allow_multiple: return people else: raise Exception("Found multiple entries. " "Use the 'allow_multiple' option to avoid this error.") else: people = people[0] return people else: person = Person(family_name=family_name, given_name=given_name, email=email) # todo: add linked organization based on user_info affiliation return person
[docs]class Identifier(KGObject): namespace = "nexus" _path = "/schemaorgsh/identifier/v0.1.0" type = ["schema:Identifier"]
[docs]class Material(KGObject): """ Metadata about a chemical product or other material used in an experimental protocol. """ namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/material/v0.1.0" type = ["nsg:Material", "prov:Entity"] context = { "schema": "", "nsg": "", "prov": "", "name": "schema: name", "reagentMolarWeight": "nsg:reagentMolarWeight", "reagentLinearFormula": "nsg:reagentLinearFormula", "reagentSKU": "schema:sku", "distribution": { "@id": "schema:distribution", "@type": "@id"}, "downloadURL": { "@id": "schema:downloadURL", "@type": "@id"}, "mediaType": { "@id": "schema:mediaType" }, "vendor": "nsg:reagentVendor" } fields = ( Field("name", str, "name", required=True), Field("molar_weight", QuantitativeValue, "reagentMolarWeight"), Field("formula", str, "reagentLinearFormula"), Field("stock_keeping_unit", str, "reagentSKU"), # doi Field("reagent_distribution", Distribution, "distribution"), Field("vendor", Organization, "vendor") ) def __init__(self, name, molar_weight=None, formula=None, stock_keeping_unit=None, reagent_distribution=None, vendor=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class Step(KGObject): """ A step in an experimental protocol. """ namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/protocol/v0.1.2" type = ["nsg:Step", "prov:Entity"] context = { "schema": "", "nsg": "", "prov": "", "name": "schema:name", "previousStepName": "nsg:previousStepName", "sequenceNumber": "nsg:sequenceNumber", "identifier": "schema:identifier", "description": "schema:description", "version" : "nsg:version", "distribution": { "@id": "schema:distribution", "@type": "@id"}, "downloadURL": { "@id": "schema:downloadURL", "@type": "@id"}, "mediaType": { "@id": "schema:mediaType" }, "material":"nsg:material", "wasAssociatedWith": "prov:wasAssociatedWith", } fields = ( Field("name", (str, int), "name", required=True), Field("previous_step_name", (str, int), "previousStepName"), Field("sequence_number", int, "sequenceNumber"), Field("identifier", str, "identifier"), # doi Field("version", (str, int), "version"), Field("distribution", Distribution, "distribution"), # external link Field("description", str, "description"), Field("materials", Material, "material", multiple=True), Field("author", Person, "wasAssociatedWith", multiple=True), ) def __init__(self, name, previous_step_name=None, sequence_number=None, identifier=None, version=None, distribution=None, description=None, materials=None, author=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class Protocol(KGObject): """ An experimental protocol. """ namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/protocol/v0.1.2" type = ["nsg:Protocol", "prov:Entity"] context = { "schema": "", "nsg": "", "prov": "", "name": "schema:name", "version" : "nsg:version", "distribution": { "@id": "schema:distribution", "@type": "@id"}, "downloadURL": { "@id": "schema:downloadURL", "@type": "@id"}, "mediaType": { "@id": "schema:mediaType" }, "numberOfSteps": "nsg:numberOfSteps", "hasPart": "nsg:hasPart", "identifier": "nsg:identifier", "material":"nsg:material", "wasAssociatedWith": "prov:wasAssociatedWith", "datePublished": "nsg:datePublished" } fields = ( Field("name", str, "name", required=True), Field("version", (str, int), "version"), Field("identifier", str, "identifier"), # DOI Field("distribution", Distribution, "distribution"), # external link Field("number_of_steps", int, "numberOfSteps"), Field("steps", Step, "hasPart", multiple=True), Field("materials", Material, "material", multiple=True), Field("author", Person, "wasAssociatedWith", multiple=True), Field("date_published", date, "datePublished") ) def __init__(self, name, version=None, identifier=None, doi=None, distribution=None, number_of_steps=None, steps=None, materials=None, author=None, date_published=None, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class Collection(KGObject): """A collection of other metadata objects""" namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE _path = "/core/collection/v0.1.0" type = ["nsg:Collection", "prov:Entity"] context = { "schema": "", "prov": "", "nsg": "", "name": "schema:name", "size": "schema:size", "hadMember": "prov:hadMember" } fields = ( Field("name", str, "name", required=True), Field("members", KGObject, "hadMember", required=True, multiple=True) ) def __init__(self, name, members, id=None, instance=None): args = locals() args.pop("self") KGObject.__init__(self, **args) @property def size(self): return len(as_list(self.members)) # def __repr__(self): # return ('{self.__class__.__name__}(' # '{!r}, {self.size!r}, {})'.format(self=self)) # @classmethod # @cache # def from_kg_instance(cls, instance, client, resolved=False): # """ # docstring # """ # D = # for otype in cls.type: # assert otype in D["@type"] # return cls(name=D["name"], # members=[KGProxy(None, member_uri["@id"]) # for member_uri in D["hadMember"]], # id=D["@id"], # instance=instance) def _build_data(self, client, all_fields=False): """docstring""" data = {} data["name"] = data["size"] = len(as_list(self.members)) data["hadMember"] = [{ "@type": member.type, "@id": } for member in as_list(self.members)] return data
[docs]def list_kg_classes(): """List all KG classes defined in this module""" return [obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]) if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, KGObject) and obj.__module__ == __name__]
[docs]def use_namespace(namespace): """Set the namespace for all classes in this module.""" for cls in list_kg_classes(): cls.namespace = namespace