Creating and updating metadata nodes

To create a new metadata node, create an instance of the appropriate Python class, then use the save() method, e.g.:

from fairgraph.openminds.core import SoftwareVersion, URL

# By default, fairgraph strictly enforces required fields.
# For demonstration purposes we turn this enforcement off here.

sv = SoftwareVersion(
), space="myspace")

To update a node, edit the attributes of the corresponding Python object, then save() again:

from fairgraph.base_v3 import IRI

sv.homepage = URL(url=IRI(""))

(Note that for updating existing objects you don’t need to specify the space.)

How does fairgraph distinguish between creating a new node and modifying an existing one?

If a previously-created node has been retrieved from the Knowledge Graph, it will have a unique ID, and therefore calling save() will update the node with this ID.

If a new Python object is created with the same or similar metadata, fairgraph queries for a node with matching metadata for a subset of the fields. If you want to know which fields are included in the match, examine the existence_query_fields attribute, e.g.:

>>> SoftwareVersion.existence_query_fields
('alias', 'version_identifier')


If you get an error message when trying to create or update a node, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions. See Access permissions for more information.