Source code for fairgraph.openminds.core.miscellaneous.funding

Structured information on used funding.

# this file was auto-generated

from datetime import date, datetime
from fairgraph.base_v3 import KGObjectV3, IRI
from fairgraph.fields import Field

[docs]class Funding(KGObjectV3): """ Structured information on used funding. """ default_space = "common" type = [""] context = { "schema": "", "kg": "", "vocab": "", "terms": "", "core": "" } fields = [ Field("acknowledgement", str, "vocab:acknowledgement", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Offical declaration or avowal of appreciation of an act or achievement."), Field("award_number", str, "vocab:awardNumber", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Machine-readable identifier for a benefit that is conferred or bestowed on the basis of merit or need."), Field("award_title", str, "vocab:awardTitle", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Human-readable identifier for a benefit that is conferred or bestowed on the basis of merit or need."), Field("funder", ["openminds.core.Organization", "openminds.core.Person"], "vocab:funder", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Legal person that provides money for a particular purpose."), ] existence_query_fields = ('funder',)