Source code for fairgraph.openminds.sands.atlas.common_coordinate_space



# this file was auto-generated

from datetime import date, datetime
from fairgraph.base_v3 import KGObjectV3, IRI
from fairgraph.fields import Field

[docs]class CommonCoordinateSpace(KGObjectV3): """ """ default_space = "atlas" type = [""] context = { "schema": "", "kg": "", "vocab": "", "terms": "", "core": "" } fields = [ Field("anatomical_axes_orientation", "openminds.controlledterms.AnatomicalAxesOrientation", "vocab:anatomicalAxesOrientation", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Relation between reference planes used in anatomy and mathematics."), Field("axes_origins", "openminds.core.QuantitativeValue", "vocab:axesOrigin", multiple=True, required=True, doc="Special point in a coordinate system used as a fixed point of reference for the geometry of the surrounding space."), Field("default_images", "openminds.core.File", "vocab:defaultImage", multiple=True, required=False, doc="Two or three dimensional image that particluarly represents a specific coordinate space."), Field("digital_identifier", "openminds.core.DOI", "vocab:digitalIdentifier", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Digital handle to identify objects or legal persons."), Field("name", str, "vocab:fullName", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Whole, non-abbreviated name of the common coordinate space."), Field("homepage", "openminds.core.URL", "vocab:homepage", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Main website of the common coordinate space."), Field("how_to_cite", str, "vocab:howToCite", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Preferred format for citing a particular object or legal person."), Field("native_unit", "openminds.controlledterms.UnitOfMeasurement", "vocab:nativeUnit", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Determinate quantity used in the original measurement."), Field("ontology_identifier", IRI, "vocab:ontologyIdentifier", multiple=False, required=False, doc="Term or code used to identify the common coordinate space registered within a particular ontology."), Field("release_date", date, "vocab:releaseDate", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Fixed date on which a product is due to become or was made available for the general public to see or buy"), Field("alias", str, "vocab:shortName", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Shortened or fully abbreviated name of the common coordinate space."), Field("version_identifier", str, "vocab:versionIdentifier", multiple=False, required=True, doc="Term or code used to identify the version of something."), ] existence_query_fields = ('alias', 'version_identifier')